
Gina Bellman

Gina Bellman (born 10 July 1966) is a New Zealand-born British actress best known for her performances as grifter Sophie Devereaux in the TNT television ...

Gina Bellman

Gina Bellman was born on 10 July 1966 in Auckland, New Zealand. She is an actress, known for Leverage (2008), Coupling (2000) and Jekyll (2007).

Gina Bellman Movies and Shows

Actress Gina Bellman moved to England with her family at age 11. In the U.K., she pursued acting and landed her first television role in 1982 in the family ...

Gina Bellman - Coupling

Gina Bellman plays Jane, who was once Steve's unflushable ex-girlfriend. Gina Bellman describes her as kooky, every man's worst nightmare.

Gina Bellman - Biography

Gina Bellman was born on July 10, 1966 in Auckland, New Zealand. She is an actress, known for Leverage (2008), Coupling (2000) and Jekyll (2007).

Gina Bellman (@Ginabellman) X

actress, MND/ALS campaigner, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gina_Bellman… London, England imdb.com/name ...

Gina Bellman

Actress Gina Bellman moved to England with her family at age 11. In the U.K., she pursued acting and landed her first television role in 1982 in the family ...

'Leverage' Star Gina Bellman Reveals Her Cancer Diagnosis

Leverage star Gina Bellman has been inspired by Princess Kate's cancer announcement to publicly reveal her own diagnosis.

Gina Bellman - Actress

Gina Bellman is a New Zealand-born British actress best known for her performances as grifter Sophie Devereaux on the 2008-12 TNT television series Leverage ...

Gina Bellman: Movies, TV, and Bio

Gina Bellman was born on July 10, 1966 in Auckland, New Zealand. She is an actress, known for Leverage (2008), Coupling (2000) and Jekyll (2007).


GinaBellman(born10July1966)isaNewZealand-bornBritishactressbestknownforherperformancesasgrifterSophieDevereauxintheTNTtelevision ...,GinaBellmanwasbornon10July1966inAuckland,NewZealand.Sheisanactress,knownforLeverage(2008),Coupling(2000)andJekyll(2007).,ActressGinaBellmanmovedtoEnglandwithherfamilyatage11.IntheU.K.,shepursuedactingandlandedherfirsttelevisionrolein1982inthefamily ...,GinaBellma...